In order to be able to grasp the many aspects of a person, a team, a company, a question or a task, one can take different approaches in considering the different perspectives.
I work with perceptions and methods derived from, among others, systemic coaching, positive psychology, useful techniques from NLP, findings in neuroscience, time and self-management tools, and energy work coupled with the teachings of both the Western and Eastern world philosophies.
Continuous training in my work is essential. New and innovative methods are continually added to my current programmes, and established methodologies are further developed and deepened.
…Find out more about the principles and values of my work by clicking here…
The coaching process:
- First contact
- Noncommittal introductory meeting
- Kick off (workshop)
- Subsequent sessions
- End of the coaching
- Location and duration
To find out more about the Coaching Process please klick here…
Coaching should be seen as an investment in yourself, not a cost. This investment will reward you many times over. You will see it in having greater inner clarity, an increase in work and living quality, and possibly in a higher income or business turnover. A further bonus from coaching will be the ultimate sense of happiness, satisfaction and self-esteem you feel.
I would be happy to convey my fees to you either by answering a personal enquiry or at an introductory meeting.
Additionally: Coaching costs are completely tax-deductable for companies, self-employed contractors, freelancers and small businesses.
To find out more about how many coaching units (CU) might be required for each topic, please klick here

My own attitudes are characterised by openness and appreciation for each person.
My work is based on the following principles and values:
- Solution oriented approaches
- Systemic viewpoints– the correlations and interplays between you and corresponding system members (firms, departments, teams, and families) are worked out together.
- Empathy– A sensitive coach knows, above all, that you need to feel heard and understood.
- Impartiality– your own personal viewpoints and „inner guidance” that sees you through coaching will be accepted. Suggestions for change discovered through the coaching process are decided and acted upon by you.
- Your freedom of choice– the issues you want to deal with in coaching, your personal goals and the information you divulge are decided voluntarily by you. You are free to refuse to answer or decline suggestions and advice given by the coach.
- Confidentiality–everything said and revealed in coaching remains strictly confidential.
The following proven techniques and methodologies are applied to specific situations:
- Client-centred approach (Carl Rogers)
- Holistic coaching-approach
- Communications training (Schulz von Thun)
- Non-violent communication (Marshall C. Rosenberg)
- Problem solving and integrated/collateral thinking
- Diverse coaching tools (Martina Schmidt-Tanger)
- Working with core beliefs
- Fundamentals of physiognomy and face reading (Rose Rosetree, Bernhard Wirth and others)
- Recognising emotions and correctly interpreting them (Paul Ekman)
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Cross-cultural intelligence (Richard D. Lewis).
Classical methods that I use:
- Coaching interview and consultation
- Written exercises
- Miscellaneous creative technigues.

The coaching process

First contact...
…is made by telephoning, through email or by sending in the contact form.
We will then set up an appointment for our initial meeting.
I will then gladly answer any questions you may have concerning coaching.
Noncommittal introductory meeting
Our initial talk can be over the telephone or I would be happy to meet with you personally.
At our first engagement, no longer than 45 minutes, you can lay out your concerns and I will answer your questions. The purpose of this meeting is to see whether trust can be built between us and whether the chemistry is right.
After we have gone over the basic conditions and spoken about the fees, providing we decide to work together, you can then make a decision as to whether to go forward with coaching.
Of course, your first meeting is free of charge and without obligation.

Kick-off (workshop)
Once you have decided to go forward with coaching, we will lay out exactly what your firm goals are and what the measureable criteria are for reaching these goals.
The length of time needed for the first appointment will be about 2 to 4 hours, depending on what is required.
In this appointment we will talk about, e.g. doing an inventory, analysing your surroundings, setting goals, implementing strategy and an action plan, etc..
This process is for you and is very individual.
Additionally, we define, as we will do every subsequent session, a session target.
After each session, starting with the kick-off, you will take with you relevant discoveries you can use.
Subsequent sessions
More appointments will follow as needed.
In subsequent sessions we will work expeditiously to reach your coaching goals.
When needed, I am available by telephone or email for a follow up chat.
You can be assured you will not be left alone with your new demands.
After each session, you will receive “homework” to carry you through to the next lesson to remind and retain. At the same time, the status of your coaching goals will be reviewed.
End of the coaching
You decide when to end the coaching.
Most of your concerns can be cleared up in a few sessions – true to the rule, that coaching should soon become superfluous.
It could be that we will find a solution to your current issue after just one or two sessions.
If you desire, I will work with you longer in your development process. There is no maximum time.
Naturally, you can resume your sessions after a trial period of putting into practice your newly found knowledge.
Everything is possible. The important thing is that the coaching fits 100% to your needs.
Location and duration
Coaching can be held either at my premises in Frankfurt am Main, in your home, in your office or company or at a neutral location.
A session generally lasts about 1.5 to 2 hours, and if needed, can be extended. If desired, I am available for half days or full days.
Note the following indications which give you an idea how many coaching units might be required, as a rule, for each topic.
Appointment: We can make an appointment for any evening or for Saturday.

Prior to carrying out a coaching and consultation order, it is necessary to make an exact evaluation of what is required. Based on the results you will then receive a concrete offer on the concept and course of action to take for either coaching or consultation.
The advantage: fair daily rates and expenses, preparation and execution of contract based on hourly rates (i.e. the hours required) and prior agreement.