What is coaching?

Life never follows a straight line. This I can confirm from personal experience. Fortunate are those who can recognize the opportunities that lie within ongoing or sudden changes and are able to implement them.
For others, coaching offers the goal and solution oriented supervision and support needed for a short time.
Respect, empathy, and appreciation are the basis for successful coaching.
As your coach I am both a capable listener and a sparring partner and perhaps a muse.
My questions focus, above all, on introspection.
I offer my views and feedback from an independent perspective.
In the end the answers to your questions come from yourself.
Special emphasis is placed on:
- Reinvigorating your personality and self-confidence
- Recognising hidden potential
- Realizing possible alternatives for action

By giving you a more conscious awareness when dealing with actions, thoughts, and emotions, coaching enables you to free yourself of limiting behavior and thought patterns.
This opens up new perspectives and room for manoeuvre which, up to now, you may have been oblivious to, and allows for a positive change and shift to happen.
I adhere to the „holistic“ coaching approach and consider your professional and private life as a whole, impartial to the issue at hand. Body, spirit and soul are seen as an entity and only when these three components are in harmony can there be personal well-being and long-lasting success.
Are you interested? You can get in direct contact with me here.
Take advantage of the opportunity to receive an introductory consultation free of obligation and free of charge. I look forward to hearing from you and accompanying you on your new path.